Give us our daily bread

God’s care for people includes their total welfare. The need of the body is as important as the
need of the soul. Jesus taught that God is interested in our everyday needs. This includes food,
certainly, but also our basic daily needs.

We may correctly pray for all matters in our daily lives including our home, our job, our health,
our relationship with other people, and our deepest physical and emotional needs. Jesus taught
that we can pray about everything that makes up daily life, which means God awaits our prayers
regarding our hurts, our desires, our loneliness, and anything else we may wish to share with
Him or need assistance with. In short, we may accurately pray about everything that touches our
lives daily.

According to C.S. Lewis, upon pondering on this part of the Lord’s prayer; He wrote:
“Can we believe that God ever really modifies His action in response to the suggestion of men?
For infinite wisdom does not need telling what best, and infinite goodness needs no urging to do
it. But neither does God need any of those things that are done by his finite agents, whether
living or inanimate. He could, if He chose, repair our bodies miraculously without food; or give
us food without the aid of farmers, bakers, or butchers; or knowledge without the aid of learned
men; or convert the heathen without missionaries. Instead, He allows soils and weather and
animals and the muscles, minds, and wills of men to cooperate with His will” (“Does Prayer
Really Change Things?” The answer is “Yes it does.”

In obedience to Christ, let us continue to ask for our daily bread and be confidence that he will
do as He has promised. Remember – To Ask is to Receive.

Let the church say: “Give us this day our daily bread.” Amen.

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